
We Give Control Points to Monitor Your Business

03 Apr 2022

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We have made dozens of interviews and identified the main problems CEOs and managers face when dealing with accountancy. Solutions to these problems have become our "features" - the foundation of DSD client service.


1. Cloud storage of documents

Archival depository for electronic copies of the documents: contracts, personnel, reports, balance sheets - you may find all you need at any time. Your documents are always at your fingertips.


2. Payments control - quickly, conveniently and without any problems.

Program and application "Schedule of Payments": our clients leave requests for payments in it and our accountants make them. All payments in one place, you can see the status of the payment.


3. Timely transfer of documents. 

When working with outsourced accounting there is a question of transferring documents to the accountant. Сompanies value their time, and not always a company has a free person who can bring the original documents to our office.

We have a courier at DSD accounting service: by the request of customers he picks up the documents and delivers them to us. If you execute a power of attorney for a courier, he will get the goods for you at the post office, send a letter or connect to the Internet.


4. Systematic remainders

Once a month we check your documents and payments. Based on this reconciliation we prepare a "Register of Issues" - a list of documents that we think are missing.

Plus we have a Tax payment control - we check that you pay your taxes and contributions to the HTP on time.

When it goes about personnel management, we remind you about the end of contracts, probation periods, and card account processing.


5. Fast response of the staff to clients inquiries.

At DSD accounting service we assign 3-4 accountants to each Client. Each is a specialist in his or her own field - payroll and personnel, primary documents, reports, payments.

As a result, we answer the questions and perform the tasks day to day. The exception is the reporting months - at this time we can delay with the answer and answer a day later.


6. Internal control system

More than once we have been faced with the question, "What if your employees make a mistake?"

We have created an Internal Control Department to minimize the overall risks associated with possible employee errors. Internal auditors review records and client documents that we send to government agencies. They write queries on controversial issues and help us find the answer in the regulations.


7. The interaction documents in two languages

The Contract, Interaction Rules, statements of salary, and registers of issues associated with the documents are prepared in Russian and in English - you sign the documents being aware of what they are about.

We understand the specifics of foreign business and know how to explain you the peculiarities of work in the Republic of Belarus.


If you want to get a reliable Helper in our face, please write to us.


We Give Control Points to Monitor Your Business
